Child Passenger Safety Reviews – Buckle Me Baby

Child Passenger Safety Reviews

carseatblog buckle me baby coat review

Safe and Warm! A review of the Buckle Me Baby Coat

carseat blog demo safety coat

"The BMBC allows the harness to sit against the child’s clothing as if they weren’t wearing any jacket at all and it eliminated the squished feeling for my kiddos.

All in all, I was very impressed and glad I got the opportunity to review it. It’s easy to use, cute, warm and doesn’t interfere with using your child’s seat properly." read complete article here:


 car seat coat jacket warm winter baby toddler boy girl outwerwear safe safety car seat danger puffy

"I’ve been a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) since late 2015, and Child Passenger Safety Technician-Instructor (CPST-I) since late 2017. I know first-hand what an ordeal finding a car seat safe coat can be for parents, and I often see children overdressed for their car seat when they arrive for a car seat check. 

This coat is such a time saver. I can say that this coat has made our lives on-the-go a lot easier as the temperatures drop. Daycare drop-off and pick-up are so much easier with this handy coat in our parenting toolkit. For those of you who live in places where snow is a regular occurrence, this is an easy way to keep your little ones warm on the way to and from the car; without the worry of a coat being too puffy for the car seat." - Holly Choi CPST

Read more:




saferide4kids review

saferide4kids demo car seat safety


"As car seat experts, we don’t recommend wearing a heavy winter coat in the car seat. So what makes this acceptable? This coat is specifically made and crash tested for use in a car seat. In bright, cheerful colors and solid materials, this coat has a thinner back than front and rolls open in a way that the car seat’s harness straps go right over the child. Once nice and snug int their car seat the coat rolls over to keep your child warm. Bonus: it’s washable!" read complete review here:


SafeKids + State Farm Webinar:

When the Car is Parked: Common Car Seat Challenges & How Manufacturers are Helping

Panelists: UnBuckleMe, Buckle Me Baby Coats, Evenflo, Britax, CleverElly


 Jamie Grayson (TheBabyGuyNYC)

Michelle CPST @safeintheseat